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Our Transport Facility Our Transport Facility
Hire car and driver in India, hiring car in India, rent a car India, car service Indi ....More
Indian Temple Tours Indian Temple Tours
India temple tour, India temple travel, golden temple tour, India temple travel, visi ....More
Adventure Tours Adventure Tours
Welcome to the world of enervating beauty and challenging adventure with Invigorating ....More
Real Life Rajasthan Tours Real Life Rajasthan Tours
If you want to Explore the real life of Rajasthan people. There are certain places in ....More
Hill Station Tours Hill Station Tours
India is the wonderful tourist destination when it comes natural beauty ....More

Ayurvedic & Mediation Tours

 Ayurveda the traditional Indian system of medicine holds out to the world the promise of a healthy long life. Vacations are more than just Sun, Sea & Sand. It's time for the rejuvenation of your mind and body, To make this a reality, we have made a few programs combining Ayurveda along with sightseeing.
This tour takes you to the temples and beaches in South India and allows you to indulge in Ayurvedic treatment for your body and soul. The Ayurveda treatment that is part of this tour package not only includes treatments for rejuvenation of your weary body but also meditation to revitalize your mind and soul.

Keral Ayurvedic Tour
(10 Days / 11 Nights) Destination Covered: Periyar & Cochi
Yoga and Meditation Tour
(14 NIghts / 15 Days) Destination Covered: Delhi - Chennai - Trichi - Tanjore - Madurai - Periyar - Kumarakom - Chochin - Marari Beach - Cochi
North India Yoga Tour
(14 Nights / 15 Days)

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